Plugin Options

ScrollView may be initialized with some options, outlined here.

import Vue from 'vue'
import ScrollView from 'vue-scrollview'

// default options
const options = {
    throttle: 50,
    callbacks: []

Vue.use(ScrollView, options) // optional options object may be passed in at initialization.


type: { Number }

  • Default: 50
  • Usage:

ScrollView listens to the onscroll event to run checks for component visibility. By default, this is operation is throttled by 50ms for performance. This will be probably be fine for most use-cases, however, if performance degradation is evident try throttling by a higher number.


type: { Array }

  • Default: []
  • Usage:

You may need to listen to the onscroll event for something unrelated to ScrollView. Add functions to the callbacks option that will be called onscroll in the order they appear in the array. Each function receives ScrollView internal state as a parameter.

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