
These are the components included in the ScrollView component library.


  • Props:
    • offset- number, The height of the buffer zone in pixels at the top and bottom of the viewport a component must pass before being considered visible. Defaults to 200.
    • tag - string, The tag to use for the component's root. Defaults to span.
  • Usage:
<Scroll-view :offset="200" tag="span">
    <template slot-scope="visibility">
        <Example key="ex" :visible="visibility.ex"></Example>


  • Props:
    • name - Required. string, The name of scroll-marker that gets passed to emitted with events isVisible and isNotVisible.
    • visible - boolean, Indicates whether scroll marker is visible or not.
    • spacing - number, Applies margin-top to scroll-marker element to help position on page defaults to 300px.
    • debug - boolean, Makes scroll-markers visible as red lines accompanied by their name for easy debugging of scroll trigger points.
  • Events:
    • isVisible- Emitted when scroll-marker becomes visible. passes nameto handler.
    • isNotVisible - Emitted when scroll-marker leaves visibility. passes name to handler.
  • Usage:
    <template slot-scope="visibility">

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