
These are some examples to give you an idea the kind of things you can build with ScrollView and to use as starters in your own project. You can view all the live examples here.

The source for these examples can be found in the "examples" directory in the vue-scrollview github repo located here: https://github.com/chrishurlburt/vue-scrollview. The examples are part of a Vue application with vue-router and the vue-scrollview plugin installed. Each route of the app is a different example. If you want to experiment locally, follow these steps:

// clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/chrishurlburt/vue-scrollview.git

// install the dependencies
cd vue-scrollview && npm install

// Start up the examples dev server
npm run example

The examples app will now be running at localhost:8080. Each of the example pages can be found in the menu in the top right.

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