Infinite Scroll Example

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This example demonstrates how to implement the popular "infinite scroll" interaction. As the last image scrolls into view, a new set is loaded asynchronously and added to the scroll-view . This example uses an image placeholder API to request JSON payloads containing image URLs.

ScrollView makes it easy to implement infinite scroll due to the onLastEntered callback (see also: Methods & Properties). Consider the small amount of code used to create this example:

  <template slot-scope="visible">
      ScrollImage doesn't need a 'visible' prop because it doesn't care about it's visibility.
      For the sake of this demo, we only care when the last component enters the viewport.
    <ScrollImage v-for="i in items" :source="i.url" :key="" /> <!-- component wrapper around an <img> tag -->
data() {
  return {
    page: 1,
    items: []
watch: {
  page: {
    immediate: true,
    handler: function () {
      // get some more items every time the page changes
methods: {
  fetchMore() {
    axios.get(`${}/photos`) // axios http lib
      .then(({ data }) => this.items = this.items.concat(data.slice(1, 6))) // request returns 50, but just add 5 for the purpose of this demo.
mounted () {
  $scrollview.onLastEntered = () => // last component entered, increment the page

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